The Fairhope City Council is the worst council in the history of the community. Public trust, oath of office and conflict of interest are ignored and leadership is non existent. Their primary goal has been to obstruct the Mayor in any way possible. The Mayor’s office has been reduced to 2500 dollars for discretionary funds, the previous administration was allocated 15 thousand dollars, make no mistake you are the loser.
Fairhope entered the new year hoping there would be change and cooperation among the City Council and the Mayor. The City Council has wasted an entire year trying to obstruct the newly elected Mayor and her administration. They are now faced with the city council president being sued for preventing free speech.
SEE YA IN COURT JACK PRESS RELEASE:FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE FOR MORE INFORMATION December 29, 2017 CONTACT: Francis P. Ripp Local Political Activist, Consumer Advocate, and Blogger Files Federal Lawsuit Against Jack Burrell Noted public figure and government watchdog, Francis Paul Ripp, publisher of the Ripp Report and Baldwin County Legal Eagle, a resident of Fairhope, Alabama, has filed a lawsuit in federal court, insisting that City Council President Jack Burrell denied him of his right to free speech during the city council meeting held on August 28, 2017.
It seems as if the public has gotten the attention of elected officials and environmental groups about the
sewer systems of Fairhope, Daphne and Spanish Fort. It is hard to believe in 2017 that we still have regular sewer spills and that we still dump sewage into the bay.
Mobile Baykeeper Awarded $87,000 Grant to Expand Watershed Program into Fairhope — Mobile Baykeeper Funding will enable Baykeeper to expand watershed education and monitoring program into Baldwin County at Fairhope High School.
First let me announce that no longer will the Ripp Report accept comments from Jester 666 and the Truth teller, most likely one in the same. Their comments add nothing to the subjects at hand and the personal attacks, some sexiest, will not be tolerated. Their comments are meant to distract from the subject at hand. They Do represent what is NOT needed in Fairhope or Baldwin County. They will continue to filter into the site from time to time and we will continue to eliminate them.
The Fairhope City Council should be recognized for it’s political spin. City council members, Burrell, Boone and Brown, the busy bees, scurried to Bone and Barrel restaurant immediately after the council meeting Monday night. They know that they should not be meeting, as per open meetings rules, with a quorum of the council, but hell they had to get their stories straight over a drink. This is proof that council members are meeting in a quorum, discussing what?
Many people have been following the Ripp Report and the comments made by Jester 666. During public participation of the Fairhope city Council I asked Mr. Robert Brown if he was the Jester, he said no. I then made a comparison to Mr. Brown’s letter,
HATE The mayor tried to mediate the impasse the council and her office are experiencing by suggesting the hiring of an attorney to represent the mayor, to mediate with the council’s attorney.
Well, Wonderful Wednesday had some very interesting commentary.
HAPPY DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN Fairhope’s mayor extended an olive branch to the city council and they accepted it. The last city council meeting was civil, polite and cordial among council and mayor. They are going to have difficult times but as long as they put the city first then it will make solving issues easier. Fairhope still has baggage from the last administration that will come up time to time and the council would be well served to remember that the past administration’s baggage is something the new council inherited from the previous council.
The last two Ripp Report posts,
Comment: Are You Surprised at all?????? FAIRNESS IS THE DEFINITION OF ANYBODY THAT WE GIVE ANY OF OUR TRUST TO!!!!!!! Let me simply explain to all of you that have actually shown an interest in and am proud to say that Fairhope Citizens DO CARE AFTER ALL!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHOWING THESE PAST FEW MONTHS. IT WILL PAY DIVIDENDS NO MATTER IF WHAT HAPPENS, THINGS WILL GO OUR WAY.
The Fairhope City Council is using the Baldwin County Political Dictionary’s definition for "Fairness". First, the council implements a hiring freeze to punish the mayor for firing two employees. Then they side with the developer and reject overwhelming objections from the public. This was done to be “Fair” and because of “the threat of a lawsuit.” Now the Council has moved to remove the Director of Economic and Community Development, Sherry-Lea Bloodworth-Botop, by reducing funds in the budget, thus killing the director’s job.
The quality of life in Fairhope is now being degraded by a city council that is more interested in failure than success. The current and past council president, Jack Burrell, along with his accomplice Kevin Boone, have successfully slowed city government and services to a point that had best concern us all. They have been engaged in a vindictive campaign to undermine the newly elected mayor.
Mayor Wilson fired two employees, which is her prerogative as well as her responsibility if an employee or employees are not representing the city in the manner expected of them.