


For the 10th time citizens packed the city council chambers to discuss the Fly Creek Apartments and again their comments fell on deaf ears. Four councilmen voted for the extension of the sunset clause that allows the developer another 120 days to get a multiple occupancy site plan. WHY? Well, three of the council stated they labored over the decision and even prayed about it. You ever notice how many times religion and God come up with political decisions and how God must be responsible!


BEAVIS AND BUTTHEAD invade Fairhope Everyone in Fairhope, Alabama is now aware of the rude conduct of the two councilmen who were elected with little or no opposition in the last election. The mainstream news media, as well as social media has covered their bullying and condescending actions leveled at the newly elected mayor for months. Citizens have confronted councilmen Burrell and Boone directly and publicly at city council meetings using public participation, voicing their disgust about the bullying tactics.


How many balls are on the City Council? Place your bets and take note how many council members have forgotten what our last election was about— and their promises. How many will stand up for citizens, and how many have no balls. PLEASE make your voice heard! Monday night’s City Council meeting: Included on this agenda is the request to amend an ordinance (Item #6) that would allow an exception so that the Fly Creek Apartments' prior approval would not expire due to the moratorium.


The Ripp Report has been reporting on the Airport scandal since Nov. 2016, YOU DON’T KNOW JACK I have followed four Fairhope city councils and one thing I can tell you is with each new council several things became abundantly clear. The new members of the council are usually influenced by longer serving members. However, the newer members are usually kept in the dark as to the backstory involving long-term issues concerning the city.


Fairhope voters, we did it once and now we have to do it again. And that is show our mayor support and remind the city council the majority won the election. Our council has been under the influence of the minority and turning a blind eye to the majority. They have allowed previous personal friendships to take front seat to city issues, following senior councilmen down a path of falsehoods. The newly elected council, three members, have been convinced— so far, that facts are fiction, such as the airport scandal.
??? WHO’S ON FIRST ???

??? WHO’S ON FIRST ???

Open Letter to Fairhope Airport Authority Attention Josh Myrick, Attorney Joe McEnerney, Chairman Jack Burrell, City Council Dear Sirs; Thank you for providing the Ripp Report with the information we requested. The summary outlined in this letter contains information from your documents: A. Request for Advisory Opinion from the Alabama Ethics Commission, Dennis R. Bailey. B. Notice of Request for Bids for Airport Ground Lease. C.Ground Lease and Operating Agreement, Dec 17th 2015.


The Fairhope City Council needs to do more reading of facts than listening to unsubstantiated statements by Council President Burrell. One thing needs to be made perfectly clear the issue of the complaint against Mr. Burrell and Mr. Hix is not going to disappear because Mr. Burrell dismisses it. We're just getting started. Authority explains how board member won hangar lease bid When the Fairhope Airport Authority posted an overview and timeline regarding a controversial hangar lease awarded to a board member, the link to supporting documents did not work for a
Investigating the Investigators

Investigating the Investigators

“The appropriation from city coffers to the airport is more than we spend on all 5 of our public schools and is 21% of our debt and accommodates less than 1% of the population.” The Ripp Report is being investigated by attorneys hired by the Fairhope Airport Authority because we filed a complaint against them. Please take into consideration that this is the same attorney who was hired by board member Ray Hix to request an advisory opinion from the Ethics Commission.
Selective Memory

Selective Memory

The Fairhope City Council pounced on Mayor Wilson for exercising her rights and responsibilities as Mayor to hire and fire employees. Alabama Supreme Court rules mayors have power to hire and fire municipal employees blog.al.com In Alabama, mayors alone have the power to hire and fire municipal employees, according to a state Supreme Court ruling in a Birmingham-area case that apparently also resolves the key dispute underpinning long-standing mayor-council power struggles in Fairhope and Daphne.


Every Fairhope City council meeting begins with a prayer and the pledge of allegiance. What irony, when the council president then explains to attending citizens that their right to speak is a privilege— not a right. The council president then explained that the 3 minute limit on public participation was at his discretion. This is how our previous Mayor handled critics, complaints or investigations— absolutely no transparency. Make no mistake, as an American, it is your right.