


Fairhope City Council President and Eastern Shore, MPO, Metropolitan Planning Organization, Chairman Jack Burrell considers himself a genius. He is the only one, because he leaves a trail of poor decisions, confusion, and corruption that affects his own constituents in a negative way. Jack has been busy. He is the Pied Piper of Baldwin County representing the special interests of Catalyst/Scott Boone Consulting. The Pied Piper is costing Fairhope millions.


The Fairhope City Council that served during the last cycle, 2016/2020 was the least productive of any council in recent memory. Most of the council,3 B’s, used their public office for personal gain. STRAWMAN SPIDERWEB Many people watched the bully council in their last meeting where Councilman Boone flipped out at the end of the meeting. What many people did not know was why? Watch the video again and you will see that when I mention the “Strawman” series in Lagniappe, Boone realized that I had read some of the latest information submitted to the Alabama Judiciary related to the case.


Fairhope’s, 6.2 million dollar waterfront park has been so watered down that it has become a renovation project. For over 18 months the Waterfront project moved through the bureaucracy of government. Hundreds of citizens participated in public meeting offering their suggestions. Then came the municipal elections and the political distortions about the overall plan. In as little as a few weeks, in the new administration, the entire plan went from something resilient and sustainable to short sighted maintenance.


Sally kicked Baldwin County’s ass, however we missed the Delta bullet. Poor Lake Charles is getting what some of us expected last Monday, round two of a direct hit by a hurricane. In Lake Charles they have picked up 1.5 million cubic yards of debris, so far, and they are now facing the possibility of doing it all over again. Link No Longer Exists Count your lucky stars Baldwin County and do not complain about debris pickup.


I have been Missing In Action from social media since September 15th and it feels like a year. Right before the storm, I received news of my best friend’s grandson was killed on a motorcycle. Needless to say his daughter was as devastated as he was. While sitting there trying to comprehend the loss, I got a call from the father of a gentleman I was advocating for in a property dispute.
Backstory Podcast No 54 Trump Positive

Backstory Podcast No 54 Trump Positive

34,353,000 SARS-COV-2 cases globally with 1,023,000 deaths. The USA has the highest rate of infection of any country on earth and last night we learned via Twitter that President Donald Trump and the First Lady are among the 7,282,000 cases reported to date with 207,800 Americans having lost their lives to the resulting disease of Covid-19. We discuss the 25th Amendment and when the VP may take control if the President is incapacitated, it has happened a-plenty and in the past very few Presidents have been transparent when it comes to their health.


Power corrupts absolute power corrupts absolutely Between 1837 and 1869, he was known as Sir John Dalberg-Acton, 8th Baronet. He is perhaps best known for the remark, "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." There will be no Golden Key for Fairhope. Special interests now have total control. Catalyst/Scott Boone Consulting did a good job of running what turned out to be a popularity contest, Wilson lost.


DEAR NEW FAIRHOPE VOTERS: This municipal elections can be won by the young voters that have not voted before and those of you who have moved to Fairhope in the last 10 years. PLEASE READ Today, less than a third of Fairhope's citizens can say they are actually from Fairhope. Most of us are not from here; but we all call it home. We were drawn to the Eastern Shore because of its picturesque, postage stamp vitality, quaint quality of life, and eclectic nature.


In 2016 I backed Karin Wilson and the current city council, which includes Burrell Boone and Brown. I got one out of four right, Karin Wilson. I was wrong in trusting Burrell, Boone or Brown but I wanted to believe them when they said that they were independent individuals with only Fairhope’s best interest at heart. What total BS that turned out to be, all three have betrayed Fairhope and used their elected office for personal gain.


If you live in Baldwin County, please share this post as much as possible. This is very IMPORTANT. The Ripp Report, Baldwin County Legal Eagle, the Ripp Report Facebook page and Backstory Podcast are NOT for profit consumer sites. Our intent is to inform the public of corruption, corrupt politicians and to address every day consumer issues. Our sites do not delete, block, censor or alter comments based on your opinion.