You're stuck inside. How about doing a little reading? It may educate you on why Alabama is number one, in corruption and religion, in the United States. That combination labels us as hypocrites. You see religion is the tool of crooked politicians and they use the church to lure you into false narratives for their personal gain.
My father told me once that if a politician tells you he is a christian and he wants to be your friend, run like hell.
“This is the book that will get SEC Football fans through the lockdowns! I call it the ‘Bible of SEC Football,’” said Dr. Warner, the “Professor of Tailgating,” and author of more than twenty tomes. “That’s because Southerner’s don’t think—they feel—and there’s nothing they feel more passionate about than SEC Football on Saturdays in the fall!”
Chris Warner will be signing his newest book on SEC Football (Father's Day) along with several others he's written…in Fairhope on Saturday June 6, 2020 in Fairhope, 1 to 4.
By Chris Warner
Special to the Ripp Report/Baldwin County Legal Eagle
Backstory Podcast Media
Preserving Quality of Life and Livability Through Planning and Growth Management
Quality of life has been best defined as the gap between what you want and what you have. The lofty goal of government is to close that gap, so citizens can enjoy an enhanced living environment; one in keeping with their stated goals for growing. Planning is the prudent managing of physical and human growth; and particularly—density, as there are direct, positive correlations between quality of life and the number of people living in a place, in favor of smaller, less dense towns.