


Fairhope restaurateur found guilty of assault A well known Fairhope businessman was found guilty of public intoxication and third-degree assault earlier this month after an incident at a bar late last year. Ronan McSharry, owner of Read More The Fairhope City Council has bullied the Mayor at Council meetings and other public venues. The first council meetings of this council’s term, were disgraceful. The “leadership” of the bulling was headed by Council President Jack Burrell, who refuses to share the Council President chair, and is supported by Councilmen Boone and Brown.


Get ready, Fairhope Catalyst Council is making their move to capture the Fairhope general election. Everything and anything in Fairhope is connected to politics. I have said more than once that the major negative in Fairhope is the politics. Last week The Ripp Report was the only source of information that reported on the arrest of Ronan McSharry. In court the defense attorney made the incident political by raising questions about the Mayor.


The Fairhope City Council has bullied the Mayor at Council meetings and other public venues. The first council meetings of this council’s term, were disgraceful. The “leadership” of the bulling was headed by Council President Jack Burrell, who refuses to share the Council President chair, and is supported by Councilmen Boone and Brown. Councilmen Conyers and Robinson were mute, but complicit. Bulling, intimidation, and victimization are one in the same. Intimidation is a major weapon in the Baldwin County political and judicial arena and some “men” find women an easy target.


First let me apologize for not getting out the Wonderful Wednesday and for the delay of Freaky Friday this week. The Ripp Report has been following many different issues throughout the County and this last week was especially busy. In Fairhope the City Council believes that the citizens elected them to make all the decisions for the community. It only takes three votes of the council for a decision to be made.


Baldwin County’s legal system relies to much on shutting people up. Criminal acts, political misconduct, court proceedings and civil litigation are “sealed” or CONFIDENTIALITY agreements are required to settle issues. Often this allows the guilty party to go on their merry way, until the next incident. Of course money is also an ingredient to grease the wheel while keeping everything out of the eye of the public domain. How can you have any accountability or transparency if all the bad deeds are sealed?


Fairhope citizens need to watch the first 30 minutes of the Fairhope Work Session, March 27: The first 15 minutes involves the K-1 Center, the next 15 minutes is discussing a Conservation Easement on the Triangle property 109 acres. Hats off to Councilman Conyers for speaking up for the citizens and encouraging Community Engagement aka Public participation. Mr Conyers is also the Councilman who has encourage the Council, unsuccessfully, to establish a pay grade for the position of Mayor, which has been in limbo since the election of Mayor Wilson.


Fairhope’s City Council agenda, March 8th, was loaded with resolutions that should catch the eye of the voters and raise many questions about the City Council, NOT informing the public about the facts surrounding each resolution. 10. Resolution – That Mayor Karin Wilson or Council President Jack Burrell, on behalf of the City of Fairhope, is hereby authorized to purchase the properties owned by the Baldwin County Board of Education: known as the K-1 Center, Fairhopers Community Park, and the James P.


Sorry for the delay of Freaky Friday - technical difficulties. Fairhope just got a gold star and it deserves it. This article and the movie being shot, The Friend, at the same time, will produce a tremendous amount of National exposure for Fairhope. The cat is out of the bag, expect more tourists and newcomers to Baldwin County. It is to late to bitch about the growth and traffic and schools.


Fairhope City Council has been pedaling backwards their whole term. They now have a chance to pedal forward, putting Fairhope on the map, when it comes to the city supporting education. PEDALING BACKWARDS The Fairhope City Council is in full re-election mode, for 2020, and are trying desperately to accomplish anything they can claim for a victory. So far, going on three years, they have yet to produce anything they can claim as a major accomplishment.


The Fairhope City Council is in full re-election mode, for 2020, and are trying desperately to accomplish anything they can claim for a victory. So far, going on three years, they have yet to produce anything they can claim as a major accomplishment. POP UP TARGET Jack Burrell is like a pop up target. He is involved in one controversy after the other. The newest “sketchy and secretive” project is the K-1 Center.