


I am reluctantly back from a three week vacation and trying to get back on the Ripp Report horse. Let’s review a few subjects that have been in the news in my absence. First the Fairhope Waterfront project has been getting progressively worse. What started out as a citizen driven grant has turned into a political hot potato. The project has been whittled down to a stub. The council and Mayor are on different pages and some concerned citizens are beginning to see the true colors of Council President Burrell.

Tan Rested & Ready

Texas had a milestone this week with 50,000 deaths contributed to the SARS-COV-2 Pandemic. Mr. Ripp has been out of the Country and gives us the 411 on travel out of the Country during Covid-19 and the Immunization Passport. The Alabama Legislature is in session passing the largest General Fund Budget in history but you nor I can get into the State House to observe and interact with our Elected Officials.

Backstory Podcast No 79 'Ole Peg-gy

134,200,000 SARS-COV-2 cases confirmed worldwide with a total of 2,906,785 deaths; with 31,280,000 cases in the USA with 560,000 deaths. Alabama Secretary of State and Senate hopeful John Merrill blew his political wad this week when he announced that he “did in fact have an affair” with the raunchiest texting woman since Raines had that embarrassing incident with… The murder trial of the Police Officer charged with the death of George Floyd proceeds on live TV this week.


If you live in Baldwin County then you know that local news print is almost non existent. Citizens are at a disadvantage at knowing what the real truth is and politicians are fine with that. Community engagement or public participation is probably 1 to 3% of the population. Fact is, most councils, Fairhope for one, would be fine with no community engagement or public participation. If you would like to be a little more informed please check out Lagniappe.


When elections are “fixed” you can be assured, politicians, any party, are STEALING OUR DEMOCRACY. Baldwin County is home to fixing elections, just ask former Governor Don Siegelman. Their are many ways to “FIX” elections. Years ago Judge Michelle Thompsson eliminated her competition by having the Baldwin County Republican Party, declaring her competition, not Republican enough. Baldwin County now suffers under her gavel. Let us not forget that the Baldwin County Sheriff, Hoss Mack, had the help of then Sen.