The article posted by Fairhope Times that was reposted on Ripp Report resulted in many people taking issue with my innuendo, ”The Governor had a special assistant, just saying” was radically misunderstood by some folks. Some took it as having a sexual connotation and even brought up adultery. My reference to the governor assistant was — look at the trouble he has heaped on himself and his assistant. He has yet to be charged with anything.
Complaint Statement:
July 7, 2016
State of Alabama Ethics Commission
First let me say I have taken your online ethics course and it is pretty clear that elected officials should not be engaging in municipal contracts in their districts, particularly if said contract directly and positively contributes to the direct income of that official. Mr. Hubbard has just been convicted for doing the exact thing.
Senator Pittman has maintained debris removal contracts with the city of Fairhope since 2004, except for one period where his business partner Bob James held the contract.
For those who don’t know the details how Mayor Kant and Senator Pittman got caught up in BP Fraud, please read the articles attached.
Connie “the Hachette” Baggett broke the story wide open with her November 20, 2010 article from
Senator"s company awarded $639,000 while he supervised grants for boom work Of $1.15 million paid to Fairhope from BP grant funds overseen in part by state Sen. Trip Pittman for oil spill response work, the city awarded Pittmans company $639,000, according to city records reviewed by a Fairhope councilwoman.
Fairhope is the core of corruption in Baldwin County and Mayor Kant is the spokesman. Mayor Kant has raised over 50,000 dollars for a mayor’s election in a community of 16,000 people. That’s the first red flag. Over 50% of the mayor’s donations come from donors living outside Fairhope and unidentified PACs. That should alarm every citizen in Fairhope. The mayor is suspected of rigging the last two elections and he has now put in motion his FIX for the upcoming election.
Originally the Ripp Report was local information about Fairhope politics. The idea came about due to the lack of honest information coming from Fairhope city hall, the mayor in particular. That was over 10 years ago, nothing has changed. Facebook then became our social media site which spawned Baldwin County Legal Eagle. To expand our Gmail connection the blog site The Ripp Report will be available. All of these forums will work together to maximize exposure.
The Ripp Report/Baldwin County Legal Eagle Face book
Fly Creek Full of Political BULLS-
Dear Congressman Bradley Byrne:
The Ripp Report, a nonprofit, was formed to expose political and judicial corruption in Baldwin County, which is unequivocally a target-rich environment. We are not constrained from telling the truth or influenced by the powers that be. Our intention is to inform our “constituents." You are similarly intended.
Our site, along with our sister site, Baldwin County Baldwin Legal Eagle, makes weekly posts we call "Freaky Friday.
The Ripp Report/ Baldwin County Legal Eagle
A lot of people witnessed the corruption involved with the approval of the Fly Creek Apartments. This was a wakeup call for many citizens that had heard about the corrupt ways of the mayor. Mayor Kant and his sidekick Arthur Corte have cost Fairhope dearly, in money and quality of life. The decisions they are making exclude US and only benefit them.