
BACKSTORY PODCAST 58 - The Rushin Prognostication

BACKSTORY PODCAST 58 - The Rushin Prognostication

90,000 new cases of SARS-COV-2 have been reported in the USA as of 6:00pm-Central Time– a grim milestone. 43,300,000 confirmed infections worldwide with a total of 1,800,000 deaths; 9,020,000 infections in the USA with 229,000 deaths; 189,000 cases in Alabama with 2,900 deaths. Hurricane Zeta hit the Alabama coast on Wednesday and because of the speed at which it was moving there were 100 mph winds much further inland than is typical and hit communities that were ill prepared.


Tomorrow citizens of Fairhope will go to the polls, rain or shine. Most citizens do not understand some of the inner political workings of the city, like appointments. The Municipal Judge is appointed by the City Council, as well as the Municipal Attorney. Both these positions are hold overs from the past corrupt administration. Mayor Wilson pleaded with the council to consider a new appointment for each position. The council, led by Burrell for the last 8 years, ignored the citizens seeking change and immediately appointed Marcus McDowell as Attorney and reinstated Judge Snedeker.


DEAR NEW FAIRHOPE VOTERS: This municipal elections can be won by the young voters that have not voted before and those of you who have moved to Fairhope in the last 10 years. PLEASE READ Today, less than a third of Fairhope's citizens can say they are actually from Fairhope. Most of us are not from here; but we all call it home. We were drawn to the Eastern Shore because of its picturesque, postage stamp vitality, quaint quality of life, and eclectic nature.