The quality of life has diminished in Fauxhope. The small quaint town of Fauxhope is disappearing and being swallowed up by development. The disconnect between the City Council and Mayor and the community is a mile wide. It is no secret that both council and Mayor were supported by developers. The result of that has increased traffic and caused further strain on an already taxed infrastructure. City priorities are decided by very few people and council meetings are a waste of time.
The backwards backpedaling Fauxhope City Council had to eat crow when it came to eliminating public participation at council meetings. Of course the matter of free speech and public participation was front and center when they denied yours truly the right to speak. The public outcry was resounding and the council got the message loud and clear. Councilman Jack Burrell threw Councilman Martin under the bus. Jack said he was surprised to see the item on the agenda.
I bet only 1 or 2% of the voters in Fairhope know that not one city council person, the mayor or the appointed municipal attorney and municipal judge have been elected or appointed for there 5th year in office. The Alabama legislature thought it necessary to postpone municipal elections in 2024 due to the presidential election. A free year in office, full family insurance and the ability to make decisions for Fairhope's future, without a single vote cast.
Historic Preservation what a joke. No one is more responsible for the demolition of historic buildings and houses in Fauxhope than the Mayor and council. Second would be the First Baptist Church who destroyed numerous houses for parking lots. But they are not called parking lots even though they are used for parking lots.
Historic preservation, water, infrastructure, annexing, and continuously lying to their constituents, goes hand in hand with the Mayor and Council, voted in and supported by developers.
Senator Chris Elliott is a perfect example of a politician out of touch with his constituents. His grandstanding is political and an attempt to cater to a small base, who vote. He is shameless and uses his church to push his political aspirations, a common practice in the deep south. Professing to be a christian is at the top of criteria to be elected. Ethics, conflicts of interest and accountability are not on the list.
In Alabama politicians and elected officials will always go dark, rather than being transparent, when they have something to hide.
Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall is the worst Alabama Attorney General appointed in the last 50 years. He has done little for the state of Alabama since his appointment by Love Gov, Bentley.
Complaints filed with the Attorney General fall into black holes, with little or no response from the A.
Only in Fairhope can someone with a high school education become the utility director with absolutely no experience at the job. Mayor Sullivan gets a $25,000 utility salary as well as her second check as Mayor.
No other job classification among Fairhope employees exists where “No Experience” is needed.
QUEEN BEE Fairhope you made the biggest mistake voters could make, you let the bees eat the honey. Only 15% of the registered voters decided who would become Mayor of Fairhope.
Fairhope is seeing the results of a Council and Mayor more dedicated to special interests than the majority of their constitutes.
It is an absolute shame the Fairhope Waterfront Project became such a divisive tool, used by elected officials, to distort the project and lie to the public. The vast majority of Fairhope citizens have no idea what the original plan was and the opportunity they have lost.
Start at minute 34. Click here to skip to minute 34 on
The council denies they knew anything about Robert Brown purchasing his ”family” property July 21 2020. Once it was made public and on the record, Council President Burrell got all tongue tied trying to defend his railroad nomination process. He contradicts himself numerous times and ends up with one of his episodes of gibberish.
SELECTED NOT ELECTED The Fairhope Mayor and acting Mayor Burrell are moving at lightning speed to replace Robert Brown’s seat on the City Council, before any citizens can say a word.
Catalyst/Scott Boone Consulting, CSB, and “acting” Mayor Burrell along with the “actual” mayor are going through their honeymoon, and I mean honey. Since Robert Brown quit, Burrell has been on fire to replace him with Jay Marblemouth Robinson who did not seek re-election.
I QUIT The Fairhope City Council that served during the last cycle, 2016/2020 was the least productive of any council in recent memory. Most of the council,3 B’s, used their public office for personal gain.