Baldwin County is a cesspool of political and judicial corruption. In the last 10 years the citizens of Baldwin County, especially Fairhope, have been slapped in the face with blatant corruption. Complaints to the Attorney General do not even generate a response. The Judiciary, Bar and Ethics Commission have a repeated record of one paragraph responses dismissing any and all documented evidence.
!0 years ago this week State Senator Tripp “Boom Boom” Pittman and Fairhope Mayor Tim Kant, using Fairhope Staff, Greg Mims, Sherry Sullivan and Jennifer Fidler, to name a few, secured a bid for $636,000.
Baldwin County, you want an example how CATALYST works?
All you have to do is pay attention to the Fairhope Municipal Election Aug. 25. Qualification is July 7-21st.
CATALYST is lining up their candidates for Mayor and City Council and they all have excess baggage
The current Fairhope Council are all CATALYST and represent the worst city council Fairhope has experienced in 25 years. Jack Burrell, the council president has held on to that position for two terms, 8 years.
Get ready, Fairhope Catalyst Council is making their move to capture the Fairhope general election. Everything and anything in Fairhope is connected to politics. I have said more than once that the major negative in Fairhope is the politics.
Last week The Ripp Report was the only source of information that reported on the arrest of Ronan McSharry. In court the defense attorney made the incident political by raising questions about the Mayor.
Baldwin County is full of laughs lately. Politics can cause mental damage and in Baldwin County we need an insane asylum for a few of them.
First we have the “TAX MAN” Chris Elliott, he prefers the title State Senator, saying he has solved the School separation lawsuit between Gulf Shores and Baldwin County Superintendent Eddie Tyler. The reason there is a lawsuit is that Mr Tyler went back on his published promise to abide by the decision of the State Board of Education.
Well Chucky Cheeze and “come fly with me” Burrell have come up with their new hit piece on the Mayor of Fairhope. They are reminding the general public of their support for fired employees and how they support the same employees lawsuits that are seeking 100,000 dollars from the city of Fairhope. Councilmen Jay Robinson abstained on voting for a settlement for Sherry Sullivan due to his close family friendship with her.
Today the phrase "to open Pandora's box" means to perform an action that may seem small or innocent, but that turns out to have severely detrimental and far-reaching negative consequences. Once open all the evils fly out, only leaving the good.
Fairhope has opened Pandora’s box thanks to the HR director and her $100,000 lawsuit against the city. Now the contents are slowly going to be public. The latest item out of the box is the claim of Sherry Sullivan and her wrongful termination.
Fairhope politics has taken on a coup mentality. Mayor Wilson upset the apple cart of two political groups: Tim Kant followers, and Jack Burrell and his cronies, both supported by Catalyst. Kant followers have fallen off in recent years and Mr Burrell was assured by Kant he would be the next mayor, along with two others. Jack hedged his position by playing both sides to his benefit however mayor Wilson winning was not in the cards.
The quality of life in Fairhope is now being degraded by a city council that is more interested in failure than success. The current and past council president, Jack Burrell, along with his accomplice Kevin Boone, have successfully slowed city government and services to a point that had best concern us all. They have been engaged in a vindictive campaign to undermine the newly elected mayor.
Mayor Wilson fired two employees, which is her prerogative as well as her responsibility if an employee or employees are not representing the city in the manner expected of them.
Fairhope voters, we did it once and now we have to do it again. And that is show our mayor support and remind the city council the majority won the election. Our council has been under the influence of the minority and turning a blind eye to the majority. They have allowed previous personal friendships to take front seat to city issues, following senior councilmen down a path of falsehoods. The newly elected council, three members, have been convinced— so far, that facts are fiction, such as the airport scandal.
The Fairhope City Council needs to do more reading of facts than listening to unsubstantiated statements by Council President Burrell. One thing needs to be made perfectly clear the issue of the complaint against Mr. Burrell and Mr. Hix is not going to disappear because Mr. Burrell dismisses it.
We're just getting started.
Authority explains how board member won hangar lease bid When the Fairhope Airport Authority posted an overview and timeline regarding a controversial hangar lease awarded to a board member, the link to supporting documents did not work for a