Congratulations Fairhope citizens your 2276 signatures on a petition convinced the Fairhope Single Tax to back off the proposed Tuberville subdivision.
Your participation has helped put a light on the serious sewer infrastructure problem in Fairhope. Mayor Wilson addressed this problem shortly after being elected, since that time the city superintendents have been evaluating studies, that the Mayor proposed, which identifies sewer and infrastructure problems. The council has done nothing despite being informed of the problems.
Grinder pumps exist all over Baldwin County and a large percentage of them are installed unnecessarily.
Developers love them because it saves them money in construction and the poor consumer, most often, does not even know what a grinder pump is.
What the developer/builder does not tell you is that the pump may only last 5 years and the cost of replacement is all yours. They also do not inform the consumer that power is necessary for the pump to operate.
Fairhope entered the new year hoping there would be change and cooperation among the City Council and the Mayor. The City Council has wasted an entire year trying to obstruct the newly elected Mayor and her administration. They are now faced with the city council president being sued for preventing free speech.
SEE YA IN COURT JACK PRESS RELEASE:FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE FOR MORE INFORMATION December 29, 2017 CONTACT: Francis P. Ripp Local Political Activist, Consumer Advocate, and Blogger Files Federal Lawsuit Against Jack Burrell Noted public figure and government watchdog, Francis Paul Ripp, publisher of the Ripp Report and Baldwin County Legal Eagle, a resident of Fairhope, Alabama, has filed a lawsuit in federal court, insisting that City Council President Jack Burrell denied him of his right to free speech during the city council meeting held on August 28, 2017.
In 2017 The Ripp Report covered many different political issues in Baldwin County. Many of these issues will travel into 2018 and raise their ugly head again.
Baldwin County has a mid term election coming up in Nov. 2018 and all four county commissioners are up for re election. They all need to be replaced, a clean sweep. Their last term saw no change in the white elephant, the mega site.
December 29, 2017 CONTACT: Francis P. Ripp
Local Political Activist, Consumer Advocate, and Blogger Files Federal Lawsuit Against Jack Burrell
Noted public figure and government watchdog, Francis Paul Ripp, publisher of the Ripp Report and Baldwin County Legal Eagle, a resident of Fairhope, Alabama, has filed a lawsuit in federal court, insisting that City Council President Jack Burrell denied him of his right to free speech during the city council meeting held on August 28, 2017.
“While the State of Alabama's total electorate ultimately denied Roy Moore from taking the oath of office as a United States Senator, the City of Fairhope and Baldwin County as a whole, voted for an alleged pedophile and a man twice removed for being unfit to hold office. It should be noted that the City of Daphne voted for the winner, Doug Jones, providing hope for the future. Alabama needs to move away from straight ticket voting.
Sorry I did not get Freaky Friday published last week, It was a real freaky for me. I had a total reverse shoulder operation in Birmingham veteran hospital, my 13th shoulder operation since Vietnam, on Friday. The first three days of recovery are no fun and the drug fog does not allow you to think. I hope to recover fast enough that I may be able to give a special Christmas present to a well deserving recipient.
Fairhope City Council has decided to pay fired employees rather than going to court, so we the public never know the whole truth surrounding the firing in the first place. Remember it was the council who came to the defense of the those fired, they then assisted them in their efforts to sue the city. Ultimately, in executive session the same council votes to pay up. It’s only insurance money, but we pay the insurance.
The Ripp Report recently changed it’s business status from a tax deductible non profit to a corporation. It is still a non profit, without any federal tax deductibility. This also allows the Ripp Report/Baldwin County Legal Eagle to become more engaged in the election process by sponsoring or contributing to specific candidates.
One thing you can say about the Alabama Ethics Commission is that they are shamelessly predictable.
To dismiss a complaint and not answer any questions nor offer any explanation as to the allegations, is a whitewash of facts.
Fairhope City Council is as dysfunctional as a square bowling ball. Led by Council President Jack Burrell who has been president for going on 7 years. The council has achieved little in the last year other than obstruct the Mayor’s office. It was more of the same at the last council meeting when it came to light that not one of the council has discussed any issues related to the budget in the last two weeks, with the Mayor, as they said they would.