


The Fairhope City Council needs to do more reading of facts than listening to unsubstantiated statements by Council President Burrell. One thing needs to be made perfectly clear the issue of the complaint against Mr. Burrell and Mr. Hix is not going to disappear because Mr. Burrell dismisses it. We're just getting started. Authority explains how board member won hangar lease bid When the Fairhope Airport Authority posted an overview and timeline regarding a controversial hangar lease awarded to a board member, the link to supporting documents did not work for a


Every Fairhope City council meeting begins with a prayer and the pledge of allegiance. What irony, when the council president then explains to attending citizens that their right to speak is a privilege— not a right. The council president then explained that the 3 minute limit on public participation was at his discretion. This is how our previous Mayor handled critics, complaints or investigations— absolutely no transparency. Make no mistake, as an American, it is your right.


The Airport Authority has a great idea! They are going to use your tax dollars to hire “ the top ethics attorney in Alabama” to investigate me and The Ripp Report, and attempt to “head off” any investigation with the Attorney General’s office and the Ethics Commission. Your tax dollars are going to pay for the defense of the authority board members, Jack Burrell and Ray Hix, who are the focus of the complaint.
$5000.00 CASH REWARD

$5000.00 CASH REWARD

The Ripp Report and BCLE are offering a $5k cash award to anyone who can prove that the contents of the formal complaint against Councilman Jack Burrell of Fairhope are false. Prove that the documents quoted or provided are fabricated or altered from their original copies or that there is any willful malicious intent to mislead the public for any reason or to unlawfully disparage Mr. Burrell by making fictitious claims or providing erroneous documents, and you will be five thousand dollars ($5k) richer.


Dear Fairhope City Council: Recently several articles have been written in reference to Councilman Kevin Boone and the business connections he has through several LLC to individuals and engineering company Preble-Rish that are conflicts of interest. Mr. Boone has had these connections through the LLC’s for many years and has never acknowledged them or recuse himself from voting on any issues that came before him as a councilman or during his participation with planning and zoning.


FAIRHOPE “CITIZENS CITIZENS CITIZENS” WAKE UP! Mayor Wilson told Jack Burrell, Council President, Airport Authority Board member and liaison to the city, and who also sits on the committee to select bids for the Authority: "I can promise you people … are concerned." Wilson's said that the Airport Authority's debt represents 21 percent of Fairhope's overall borrowing. In an effort to pay it down, as well as come up with a plan to market 258 acres that the Airport Authority purchased in 2007 for $8.


The Ripp Report closes out 2016 with congratulations to John Sharp Al.com. Sparks fly in Fairhope: New mayor, council president dispute airport finances, personnel changes Mayor Karin Wilson and Council President Jack Burrell dispute the future of the city"s airport and hiring decisions. Read More and Lagniappe Jane Nicholes, Fairhope Council President, Mayor clash over airport land deal Fairhope Mayor Karin Wilson has failed in her attempt to gain control of much of H.
Fairhope Airport Authority - FLYING WITHOUT A COMPASS

Fairhope Airport Authority - FLYING WITHOUT A COMPASS

These are two articles that were covered by The Fairhope Times one year ago. These were not written by the Ripp Report. They are important because they show, prior to today’s airport controversy, there was every indication that something stunk at the airport. Airport Authority Holds Illegal Meeting? Community news and events for Fairhope and Baldwin County, Alabama. Read More This should have been a warning sign. However, the major players at the airport had the Mayor and City Council, at that time, covering their back.
A Time for Reflection - Goobers on Notice

A Time for Reflection - Goobers on Notice

Facebook is sending users a personalized “2016 Year in Review” on their news feeds. It has certainly been a year worth reflecting on. Much has happened in American politics this year. However, like former U.S. Speaker of the House Tip O’Neill said, “All politics are local.” In Baldwin County, nothing could be further from the truth. And that is always our focus here at BCLE/The Ripp Report. Understand that we are as determined as ever moving into the new year, and that 2017 holds many surprises for you, our reading, voting citizens.


I have followed four Fairhope city councils and one thing I can tell you is with each new council several things became abundantly clear. The new members of the council are usually influenced by longer serving members. However, the newer members are usually kept in the dark as to the backstory involving long-term issues concerning the city. Another observation was the utter lack of transparency and accountability. I give our previous Mayor full credit for using the aforementioned tactics.